Star Fetched Game

Think of this page as a glorified manual for the greatest sub-par game ever to bless Apple Arcade, STAR FETCHED! For a more in-depth read on the history of this property, check out the Star Fetched Comic page.
As of Novemeber 2024, Star Fetched has sadly been removed from Apple Arcade, thus, it is now unplayable for the foreseeable future. However, its memory shall live on through this page as well as this sweet playthrough I created before it was taken down. Watch here »
Star Fetched is a sci-fi platformer about a young space adventurer who is mysteriously teleported to a faraway solar system to help defend against an oncoming alien invasion. It combines side-scrolling action with elements of tower defense, exploration, and RPG.

Rhys Randall, having just returned from a successful adventure to the stars, is in his dad’s shed making repairs on his ship. Just then, a strange transmission begins playing over the radio, asking for his help against an oncoming invasion from a powerful alien race. Before he can respond, he finds himself teleported to a strange world in a faraway solar system.

General Gameplay
Like most sidescrollers, your character runs left and right, jumps, and shoots his weapon. In addition to these basic abilities, Rhys can also perform a double jump and grip walls to either slide down slowly or leap to other destinations. While levels are, for the most part, linear, there is room for exploration where the player can come across new items and gather additional resources to help in their journey.

Your Heads Up Display consists of a health meter, resource count (scrap and marbles), and your currently selected weapon. Players using a touch screen can tap the weapon icon to switch between available guns, and there is also a pause button located in the upper right portion of the screen.

If you have any hopes of surviving your far-fetched mission, you will require more than your basic starting equipment. Throughout the game, you will discover and earn various blueprints. Blueprints act as a means of unlocking items, but simply unlocking an item does not make it immediately available for use (with the exception of defense turrets). On every world, Rhys can find crafting tables. From the crafting table menu, you can scroll through your available items and craft them, which will cost you scrap. Once an item is crafted, it will be available for use at any time.

Defense Missions
As stated in the overview, there is an element of Tower Defense gameplay in Star Fetched; this is represented in the Defense Missions. On each planet, you will encounter a section where you must defend yourself or an object from oncoming waves of alien hostiles. At the start of these missions, you will have a very limited amount of time to build your defenses before the enemies begin entering the screen. Defenses are built by walking up to pre-arranged defense panels and selecting from a list of your available turrets. This is why gathering resources is important, as each turret has a cost in both marbles and scrap currency.
During most of these attacks, enemies will enter from both sides of the screen. The general gameplay will not change for the player, but in addition to your basic movements, your defenses will automatically attack the enemy waves. Enemies can and will attack your defenses. If you have enough resources, you can quickly perform repairs on these defenses. If you can successfully defend your target, you will be rewarded with a blueprint. If you fail, it is considered a death, and you will restart from the most recent checkpoint.

Space Travel
From your ship, you can access any previous planet you’ve visited or continue to the next planet after defeating a world. When you enter your ship's menu, you will be presented with a scrollable view of each planet. Simply select the planet you wish to travel to and proceed.

Pause Menu
When you pause your game, you are presented with Rhys’s journal. From here, you have your basic pause menu items: Resume, Settings, and Exit. On the right side, you’ll have some basic player stats, including Time Played, Current Planet, % Completed, and Enemies Killed.
In addition to these items, there are three tabs at the top of the journal that will give you access to two other important menus: Equipment and Worlds.

Equipment Menu
This is basically your inventory screen. On the left page, you are shown a diagram of Rhys in all his space-fighting glory. Below him, you will see his health and damage stats. To the right of Rhys, you will see 4 inventory fields to customize: Helmet, Weapon, Special Item, and Boots. ** Unfortunately, the special item was never implemented due to time restraints. It remains, sadly, an empty box. **
Selecting one of these boxes changes the page on the right. On the right, you will be able to scroll left and right through your available items for this category. Each item has a brief description as well as an EQUIP button below it. Selecting the Equip button will (obviously) equip that item. If the item is already equipped, the button will be replaced with the words "EQUIPPED".

Worlds Menu
In the worlds menu, you are presented with some detailed information about the planet you are currently on, as well as enemies, friendlies, and blueprints to be discovered.

Easter Eggs
If you're hankering for a scavenger hunt, Star Fetched has you covered! See if you can find these items hidden around the different planets and earn their respective achievements.

Item Drops
One of the most important resources throughout the game is scrap. It appears in the form of glowing blue nuts, bolts, and gears. You will need scrap to build your weapons and equipment as well as make repairs to damaged turrets during defense missions.

Acting as a form of space currency, marbles are used to purchase items from shops found in each level; these are also required for building defense turrets.

This is the visual representation of an item being unlocked. When you find a blueprint, it makes that particular item available for crafting. In the case of a turret, the item is immediately available to build during defense missions.

Owie Juice
Because a mother’s magically healing kisses aren’t available in space, you’ll need the next best thing to make the owies feel better: a juice box! Owie juice can be found in shops, crates, or by killing various enemies. It will replenish your health. And don’t worry, mom, it’s 100(ish)% real juice!

This is self-explanatory. Most weapons will require ammunition; this will replenish it.

This is Rhys’s signature, standard-issue weapon. A retractable ball that fires out of a pop gun. It does very minimal damage but requires no ammo.

Bone Blaster
This is a rapid-firing gun that shoots bone shards at your enemies. The bullets themselves are very low in damage, but they compensate for this with increased fire rates.

Box Gun
This gun’s barrel consists of 2 energy orbs, which supercharge the bullets as they exit the gun. It’s low on damage but can be charged for a stronger shot.

Hot Shot
Using a mixture of scrap and flammable liquid, the hot shot fires a quick burst of fiery bullet clusters at a short range for a high amount of damage.

Shark Shot
This weapon fires a very powerful laser beam straight ahead, causing massive damage and shooting through any obstacle. It has a very slow recharge rate.

A grenade launcher that fires giant seeds from the planet Leviatha in an arc. Upon making contact with the ground, these seeds will explode upward with large, sharp vines, inflicting maximum damage to anything they make contact with.

Squid Cannon
Launches a flying squid, which homes in on nearby enemies and explodes upon contact.

Wing Clipper
Fires a spinning gust of wind with blade-like properties. The wind travels a short distance before boomeranging back towards you and dissipating.

Defense Turrets
Box Turret
This is the standard defensive weapon. The Box Turret is a larger version of the Box Gun and fires average-powered bullets at a moderate pace.

The Bzt-Bzt fires a straight current of electricity across the screen, temporarily paralyzing attackers. There is a long recharge rate.

Shark Snipe
Like it’s handheld counterpart, the Shark Shot, the Snipe fires a massively powerful beam of energy across the screen, causing heavy damage. There is a long recharge time.

Sludge Slinger
This defensive cannon fires nalls of sludge, covering the ground and causing damage to attackers that make contact with it.

The Squidapult launches squids through the air in an arc. Upon contact with the ground or enemies, they will explode, causing large amounts of damage. It has an average recharge rate, but its accuracy is questionable.

Trap Door
When an attacker steps on these traps, they open up to reveal a portal that launches enemies into the air and then sucks them inside permanently.

Bug Bomb
A swinging alien beehive suspended by some rusty chains and duct tape. When attackers are close, the hive drops and releases a swarm of bees upon their poor, murderous, alien victims.

This is just your basic, standard-issue fishbowl helmet… How ordinary of you.

For reasons that can’t be explained outside of ‘magic videogame logic’, the Exoskelmet (forged from the bones of your enemies) increases the damage of your non-energy-based weaponry. Essentially, anything that isn’t a laser is now stronger.

Husk Shellmet
This heavy hunk of husk is sure to make you a tough nut to crack! However, I can't emphasize the heaviness enough; you will undoubtedly move very slowly.

Parasitic Cellmet
Hatched from the parasitic eggs found on Sporillia, the Parasitic Cellmet houses an adorable little parasite who orbits your head and feeds on your enemy’s attacks for up to 50% damage reduction! However, it will also devour up to 50% of any scrap, marble, or health found throughout your journey.

Raising Hellmet
Transforming you into a cornered animal at the end of its rope, the Raising Hellmet will increase your speed, damage, and overall awesomeness at the cost of reducing our health tremendously. We’re talking '1 or 2 hits and you're dead' territory... But hey, if it’s your time to go, you’ll go out with a bang.

Built by robots, so you know it’s built for greatness! The Expelmet will absorb damage taken over time (while offering you no protection from it) and expel that energy in a powerful burst of electricity, damaging your opponents.

Gelmet (Unused Concept)
Created from one of the most grotesque of materials, slug guts, the Gelmet acts as an energy dampener. It will reduce the amount of damage taken from an energy-based attack (e.g., lasers, fireballs, electricity).

Intelmet (Unused Concept)
The Intelmet is a dandy toll that not only looks keen but also reveals secrets within your vicinity—anything from invisible items to secret doorways. It will also indicate if you are near any blueprints.

Basic Boots
Because you should never go on space adventures in sandals, your basic homemade boots should carry you from mission to mission without succumbing to so much as a plantar wart. However, I wouldn’t expect these boots to do any favors for the odor… Luckily, in space, no one can smell your feet.

Gravity Galoshes
These boots are forged from the mysterious Gravity Gravel found on the Eautopica moon of Dali. They provide you with the ability to perform a triple jump.

Crafted from the hide of a dangerous Eautopica eater beast, these marvelous boots give you the ability to move under water as though you’re walking on land. These will be required if you care to explore all of the wonders that the planet Eautopica has to offer beneath its surface. You know, like the end of the level... If I’m not being clear enough, you need the boots to finish the level.

Keenetic Kicks
Boots are clunky, stiff, and completely unsuitable for athletic activity. If you’re going on an intergalactic quest to save a small solar system, you need sneakers. While wearing the Keenetic Kicks, the more you run, the faster you get. As your speed increases, you’ll be able to jump higher as well.

Shock Shoes
These high-tech boots turn Star Fetched into a retro platformer, giving you the ability to harm your enemies by simply jumping on their heads. If the initial stomp of your electric shock shoes doesn’t deal a fatal blow to your opponent, you will be launched back into the air for either a safe landing or a follow-up stomp.

Jellies (Unused Concept)
Perhaps not as fashionable as the 90's phenomenon, these Jellies are guaranteed to make you jump higher and even slide down hills. Pretty great, so long as you ignore the fact that your feet are encased in the entrails of fallen alien space slugs.

Cleats (Unused Concept)
These were eventually scrapped in favor of making their function a default of Rhys's abilities. The Cleats would have allowed Rhys to cling to and jump off walls.

Unused Concept: Special Items
Star Fetched was at one point supposed to have a heavier emphasis on RPG elements. Not only could gear be mixed and matched for various combinations of skills and stats, but additionally, there would be special items that the player could obtain to perform different tasks and unlock secrets. Here are a few that were planned:
Grappling Hook
The final version of the game didn't feature cliffs or pits like most platformers, but at one point these would have been included for a more old-school side-scrolling experience. The grappling hook would have allowed the player to jump down pits without dying and enter secret areas.

Translation Visor
While active, the translator would allow you to communicate with both natives and enemies throughout the game. Shops would not be accessible without these, and various enemies in the game could be avoided if you knew the right circumstances to use the visor. This was also at a stage in development when the plan was to include some light puzzle-solving.

Vine Bracelets
Doubling as a very fashionable accessory, the Vine Bracelets, when activated, would encase Rhys in a protective, thorny vine bubble, allowing him to temporarily move around like an invincible hamster ball. It would have come in handy for moving across otherwise fatal terrain, such as spikes.

Lily Leapyear
While Lily is a featured character in the game, narrating most of the story and even appearing briefly to assist in the final battle with King Ogg, she was originally intended to have a much larger role. She was created as an alternate skin for Rhys, then reimagined as a 'defense turret' in that you could call her in to defensive battles. Sadly, in the interest of time, these concepts had to be scrapped.

A vibrant world inhabited by insect-like species and colorful plant life. This is the first world you arrive on, and although its inhabitants are generally hostile, they don’t pose much of a threat. Unless you’re allergic to bees… Or just hate bugs in general.

The Natives
These natives of Infloria are peaceful insects with poor grammar and big hearts. Still, you'd probably want to step on one if you saw one in your backyard.

Pronounced "Ball-o-Bee", this giant bee-like insect would rather pounce than sting. If a Balloby spots you, it will leap into the air in an attempt to flatten poor Rhys.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

These weird little bugs like to hover in place and shoot plasma goo at you from their creepy little red eye.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

It's basically a Bugadoo, but it doesn't have a plasma-shooting eye. These will spastically move up and down in an attempt to block your path.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Creep Meep
Don't be deceived by their adorable appearance; these little bugs are the terrors of the Infloria caves! They attack in a way that mimics Rhys's Pop-Pop gun.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

While furry like a gypsy moth, you don't want to be caught trying to cuddle one. If you step underneath one of these ceiling-crawling caterpillars, they will pop, causing their innards to reform on the ground as a fast-moving slug that will chase you.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Finicky Floater
Floating platforms that are safe to bounce on while their warning light is green. However, they will stab you with a thorn if that light turns red. Their light will turn yellow to warn you before turning red.
Drops: None

Bee Butts
Spikey hazards that are found on the ground, walls, and ceilings of Infloria. These stingy carcasses will inflict damage if touched... So don't touch!
Drops: None

Bee Hive
Dangling beehives hanging from ceilings that will drop on your head if you step underneath them, unleashing a swarm of angry bees that stay in place for the remainder of the level.
Drops: Bees on yo' head!

Oggbot v1 (BOSS)
Robots in space?? Unheard of. This metal monstrosity walks slowly back and forth across the screen. Upon reaching one side, it shoots a spread of bullets across the screen before swiping his gun at you if you're standing close.
Drops: Box Turret Blueprint

Eautopica’s desert moon of Dali was named by Rhys because of its resemblance to a Salvidor Dali painting (because all children are familiar with early 1900's surrealist painters). The moon is rich in a material called Gravity Gravel, a mineral named for its unique ability to defy the laws of gravity.

The Natives
The Dali natives seemingly worship the 'Gravity Gravel' on this planet. Well, they either worship it or simply communicate with it. Either way, there's clearly more to that rock than odd physical properties...

These greedy lizards do not like anybody going near their precious gravity gravel. As they cling to the mysterious mineral, they rock back and forth, spitting fireballs at anything that approaches them.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Grime Ghoul
These phantoms of warriors past still wander the desert plains of their native home. Grime Ghouls will rush toward you at great speeds and occasionally vanish if under attack, only to reappear unexpectedly to continue their attack.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Much like the Balloby, the Tridomples will leap into the air and attempt to stomp on you. They can also guard themselves from attack by burying their heads between their three massive legs.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Zealy Wheel
One of the most bizarre creatures roaming the Dali skies is the Zealy Wheel. This 4-faced wierdo continuously spins in the air, screaming, while dropping fire bombs upon anything daring enough to travel underneath it.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Mortal enemies to the Dali natives, the Clawstritch are a violent race of spider-like insects who worship the Gravity Gravel of Dali and fight for its approval. They have razor-sharp claws as well as a disgusting ability to remove their buttsacks (which are sentient and will also attack you).
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice, Ammo

Dissolving Platform
Tricky floating slabs that will begin to fall apart when stepped on. Once dissolved, they will reform after a few seconds.
Drops: None

Falling Spike
A dangerous stalactite that will fall on your head if you walk underneath it, only to reform seconds later.
Drops: None

They have blood stains on them; what do you think they do?
Drops: None

Oggbot v2 (BOSS)
After its defeat on Infloria, the Oggbot seemingly shed its outer mechanics and evolved from a basic robot to an agile cyborg. He runs around the screen, jumping and firing both plasma bullets and fiery bursts from his arm cannon.
Drops: Hot Shot Blueprint

An Atlantean-like planet submerged in water. The natives are friendly and live both above and below the surface. Their civilization is powered by a highly sought-after energy source known as ‘Plasma Pearls’. These orbs, in particular, are of great interest to the invading alien forces.

The Natives
The My-My
An ancient amphibious race residing deep on the ocean floor. They have been under attack by invaders from the planet Sporillia, seemingly after their source of energy, Plasma Pearls.

Clown Crab
Don't be deceived by their not-creepy-at-all smile; the crabs want nothing more than to stab you with any one of their seemingly endless jagged edges. When on land, they jump while swiping their claws at you. While underwater, they will swim toward you and attempt to bite.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

These massive crustaceans earn their name due to their fast running speed and devastating claw attacks. You'd be wise to kill them from a distance, then engage at close range.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

The big mamma of the sea. This maternal fish has a hole in her head filled to the brim with killer babies that will defend their mother at all costs. Swim too close, and they will swarm you.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Considered sacred by the natives of Eautopica, these walking, spherical sharks(?) will fire a powerful laser beam from the mysterious pearl resting inside their bodies.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

As dumb as they are powerful, these giant amphibeans chase after you in an attempt to whip you with their tongues. Though strong, they are easily confused if you jump behind them while they're attacking.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice, Ammo

Well, I'm certainly not turchin' em'! These gelatinous porcupines slowly crawl back and forth along the surface, just waiting for you to stick yourself on one of their many protrusions.
Drops: None

Death Bubble
Not to be confused with something one might create while alone in the tub, these floating bubbles are both above and below the waters of Eautopica, and each is filled with poisonous gas. It's best to either pop from a distance or avoid it entirely.
Drops: None

Zokula (BOSS)
The most feared water beast in all of Eautopica! The dreaded Zokula has three detachable, flying eyeballs that will hover around you and fire hot balls of plasma. While the eyes are attacking, the body will swim back and forth and emerge from the water to bite you. Because of 'video game logic', the eyes cannot be destroyed.
Drops: Flippers Blueprint

A purple, rocky world that has been completely infested by a strange black root that possibly extends to the planet’s core. The root’s offspring have seemingly become sentient. It is unknown whether this planet is a native of the planet or if its origins are far more sinister.

The Natives
These freakishly teethy little natives were driven into hiding by the strange infestation. They survive by covering themselves in the black roots and scavenging for food in small groups.

Weed Scamp
These mindless plant puppies run back and forth with little care for their own being and even less care for that of others.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Sprout Scout
Sprout Scouts are among some of the most annoying (for lack of a better word) enemies you'll encounter. They fly around in packs and follow you relentlessly until you put an end to their tedious existence.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Not to be confused with the 80s wrestlers who lick people's heads, these sneaky weeds hide underground and jump up to bite you if you get too close. While they are incredibly difficult to spot, they do have a tiny antenna that sticks out of the ground if you happen to be paying attention.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Sling Spore
This is one planet where you should never stop to smell the roses... Because the roses here will throw giant seeds at your face.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Thorn Lurker
These floating vines of terror will slowly and silently stalk you as you delve deep into the caves of Leviatha. When they get close enough, they swipe with their claws, inflicting heavy amounts of damage.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice, Ammo

Thorn Bush
Not all plants on Leviatha actively try to kill you; some do it passively. Don't walk into these pointy obstacles.
Drops: None

Harrowing Husk (BOSS)
This is the queen of the Leviatha hive-mind that's been terrorizing you since you crash-landed on this wretched planet. She drops seeds from the ceiling, which uproot giant, pointed vines in patterns that must be dodged. While attempting to avoid these falling seeds, you will be relentlessly attacked by waves of weed scamps. If you attempt to get too close to the Husk, she will slap you around with one of her many tentacles.
Drops: Uprooter Blueprint

Eggplant (Unused Enemey)
This was an early concept for one of the plant creatures on Leviatha. This would have been a slow-moving, wandering creature that would either bite or swing his arms around.

Spore Mother (Unused Boss)
The Harrowing Husk was originally meant to be nothing more than a sub-boss leading up to the big bad of Leviatha, the Spore Mother! She would have been located at the center of the planet, and killing her would result in the purification of Leviatha, removing the enemies for any revisit to the location.

A completely dead world, void of all life and covered in the remains of once great civilizations and the bones of those who ruled them. Little is known of the planet’s demise or what technological heights it may have achieved, but it’s safe to assume something sinister awaits the curious of heart.

The Natives
Species Unknown
Little is known about the inhabitants of Decrepiton or what drove them to extinction. What can be gathered from their remains is that they were large, one-eyed humanoids who achieved incredible technological advancements in both science and engineering, which quite possibly led to their tragic fate.

These heavy-duty batteries fire deadly electrical bolts at our little hero. You must have precise timing to avoid these attacks. Luckily, there's a long recharge time between shots, though a strong weapon is needed as these enemies are heavily armored.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Armored mini-tanks that patrol the underground labs. Their missile launchers fire two different patterns of missiles, identified by the missile's color.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Socket Drone
This electrical outlet is most certainly not compatible with your current Apple device. The face of these floating security drones summons a giant ball of energy, which is then whipped towards the player by the drone's bone-like tail.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Bone Drone
These squid-like drones have built-in bone blasters, which they will use to rapidly fire at you. If they become damaged, they will make an explosive suicide run for your face.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Splode Drone
Basically the same thing as a Bone Drone, only these machines skip the shooting part and go right for the kamikaze attack.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Amoebone Crawler
What happens when parasitic aliens come into contact with the bones of a dead world? These abominations. The Amoebone Crawler is nearly impossible to outrun and must have every limb destroyed to defeat it.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Yet another deadly fusion of parasite and corpse. This giant charges at you and attempts to take your head clean off with his giant claws. Like the Amoebone Crawler, all limbs must be destroyed if you wish to kill it. But beware; when a limb is removed, it scatters into mini 'spore crabs', which quickly attack you.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Industrial Spikes
Because what platforming level isn't complete without generic spikes?
Drops: None

Laser Orbs
These defense mechanisms emit deadly laser beams in blinking patterns, which must be paid attention to if you wish to pass through unharmed.
Drops: None

The Rephaim (BOSS)
AKA Oggbot v3. The ever-evolving Oggbot has yet again shed its cybernetics. Only this time it has completed its transformation into a pure organic lifeform known as the Rephaim! This angelic alien flies to both corners of the screen and fires a series of lasers at the player. Upon doing so, it lands on the ground and either hurls its razor-sharp feathers in boomerang fashion or flies across the screen like a bullet.
Drops: Expelmet Blueprint

King Ogg (BOSS)
Do you have what it takes to save the solar system?
Drops: Your dignity

A giant parasitic planet that is seemingly feeding upon the remains of another alien world. It's fairly safe to assume that there is nothing non-hostile about this world. The inhabitants are comprised of giant single-celled organisms and a large assortment of corpses that are little more than puppets for said organisms.

The Natives
Species Unknown
Whatever life forms formally existed on this planet have long since been infested and are now nothing more than meat vehicles for the Sporillians...

These massive beasts have literal hungry eyes... When they spot you, they'll quickly charge at you, biting you with their giant eye if they get close enough.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

These hovering organisms routinely drop meaty seeds on the ground, which will grow into giant-sized amoebas, or 'Baboebas', as they're referred to on Sporillia.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Spawned by the hovering Mammamoebas, these slow-moving parasites wander the moist lands of Sporillia in search of a new host to infect.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Meat Mech
Perhaps once a great species, they are now nothing more than a meat mech for their new Sporillian masters. These infected corpses have become living weapons, slowly walking towards their targets and firing chunks of meat out of their newly formed chest cannons.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice, Ammo

Germ Worm
Giant-sized viruses that run back and forth in search of a meat muppet to infect. Their protective shell must first be destroyed before killing the deadly worm inside.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Squid Tube
These slimey alien noodles grow out of ceilings and walls. If they spot you, they'll begin launching highly explosive squids in your direction.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Sleeping Squid
It's a good rule of thumb to never wake a sleeping baby. Even more so when that baby can explode if startled.
Drops: None

The Bone Slug (BOSS)
This giant mass of hangry goo will spit the bones of its victims at you from across the screen before morphing into an invulnerable ball that rolls across the ground, attempting to add you to its collection.
Drops: Exoskelmet Blueprint

The Vile (BOSS)
What do you get when an injured Rephaim comes into contact with a deadly alien parasite? You get THE VILE! This zombified fallen angel fires explosive squids from its arm cannon, stomps on the ground to summon Sporillian minions, and splits in half to attack you from both the air and the ground. Good luck.
Drops: Squid Cannon Blueprint

Tape Bear (Unused Enemy)
This was an early Sporillian design meant to resemble the unholy offspring of a tardigrade and a tapeworm. These would have been large, fast-moving beasts that would chase you down and latch onto you in an attempt to drain your health.

Cerebellasite (Unused Boss)
Initially planned to be the main boss of Sporillia, Cerebellasite was a mutated brain that would jump from carcass to carcass, taking on different abilities depending on which corpse it inhibited.

A mysterious comet made of bones, home to something dreadful... This location is only available via a portal located on Decrepiton.

The Natives
Species Unknown
It is unclear if anything here truly 'lives'...

Hiding in the shadows, these horrific creatures will not engage until you catch their attention and run past one, at which point they will emerge from the shadows and chase after you with a sinister smile.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

These bone-winged creatures live in agony, yearning to inflict pain on any being that they deem a trespasser. Backbones will spin their bone wings like a buzzsaw if they get close enough... And they will get close enough.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Ivory Turret
These stationary guardians will fire chunks of their own regenerating flesh from three turrets located in the center of their forehead.
Drops: Marbles, Scrap, Owie Juice

Azriel (BOSS)
Azriel is the king of this horrific flying prison. He will randomly perform one of three attacks in between disappearing and reappearing, giving you very brief windows to inflict any damage.
Drops: Wingclipper Blueprint

Scrapped Original Concept
Originally, Grimshiff was intended to be a dead planet suspended within an unexplained dimensional rift. However, with the proper light-bending spectacles, one can see that the planet is not dead but is in fact teeming with life. The terrain would have resembled a jungle, and the enemies would have consisted of ape-like creatures.

The Moonbeast was intended to be one of a handful of gorilla-based enemies that would have inhabited this earlier concept for Grimshiff. These crescent-shaped apes would have floated through the air and spun like a razor when they attacked.

Squid Gorilla
This was yet another gorilla-based enemy for the original Grimshiff concept. These would have used their large tentacled torso/head to swing from trees and stomp on poor Rhys. When grounded, they would have used their tentacles like a whip.

Scrapped Planet Concepts
Some planet concepts that didn't make the cut due to lack of time or lack of interest.
This was originally planned to be the second world in the game, Infloria's slug moon Lumyx. The levels would have consisted of slug-like enemies and slippery areas covered in ooze. Some enemies were designed specifically for this moon but were then added to other planets in the interest of time, such as the Caterpop and the Bone Slug. You can still see the moon in the background of the Infloria surface levels.

The shattered planet of Segratorus would have played as a vertical scrolling level, with Rhys traveling downward through the fragmented planet. As you proceeded down, the environments would have changed from tundra, to desert, to jungle, etc.

Digital Planet
The idea was to create a holographic digital planet that Rhys could only interact with if he obtained a special pair of boots that allowed him to walk on light. One idea was to have this planet presented as pixel art, giving it a unique visual feel compared to the other levels.

A Brief History
Background & Cutscene Art
Intro Storyboard Sketches

Concept Art